Proceeding Spelling Rules
Order of the Page
*Proceeding should be written on a A4 page and you should give space 2.5 cm from right, left, up and down of the page. Writings should be written with 1.5 cm line spacing between lines. Page number should not be given to the pages.
*Title should be written 14 point with Arial font and in bold.
*The words first letters which forms the title should be written in capital, the other ones are small.
*The Turkish and English meaning of the title should be written one under the other.
The Name(s) of Author(s)
*The name of author or authors should be written 12 point with Arial font and normal which is given a line space.
*The institutions which authors works in should be written under the names with the same font.
*The author’s academic title, university, faculty, department and e-mail address should be written under the first page with giving postscript .
*Proceeding summary should be written 10 point with Arial font and there should be 1.5 cm line spacing between lines.
*Summary should involve proceeding’s aim, method and the result.
*Summary should be formed with the most 200 words.
*There should be given at least 3 at most 6 key words under the summary
*There should be English meaning of the key words with the same font under the summary.
Main text
*Main text should be written 11 point with Arial font and spacing out 1.5 cm between the lines.
*The Main text should be made up of the subtitles of introduction, method, findings, conclusion and discussion, bibliography
*Subtitles should be written 12 point with Arial font in bold and they should be on the left side of the page.
Charts and Formats ( if there is in the proceeding)
*Charts and formats should be prepared suitable to be published and placed in the text.
*There should be given number to the charts and formats and written titles to them.
*The titles of the charts and formats should be written 11 point with Arial font in bold on the left side of the page.
*There should be used only three horizontal lines not vertical lines in charts.
Demonstration Source in the Text
*When you demonstrate source in the text, you should demonstrate quotations which is taken from the other sources in parenthesis.
*The surname of the author, publication year of the work and page number should be demonstrated in source parenthesis (Ex. Sever, 2013:25)
*If there are two different authors who have two or more studies in the same parenthesis, sources are demonstrated to the alphabetic al order of the surnames of authors (Ex. Göktürk, 1998; Uygur, 1985; Vygotsky, 1962)
*When you cannot reach original source, the information of the people who quote are given.
Demonstration Source in Bibliography Part
*All sources in the text should be indicated in bibliography part.
*Works in bibliography part should be organized to the alphabetical order of the surnames of the authors.
*Book, article, proceeding, thesis and dictionary sources should be indicated in bibliography.
Single Written Book: Başgöz, İlhan 2016) Encyclopedia of Minor Folk Dancing. İstanbul: Ürün Publishing
Multi-written Book: Sever, S., Kaya, Z.and Aslan, C. (2006) Turkish Teaching with Activites. Ankara : Morpa Publishing
Book Chapter: Acan, F.(1996) ‘’Women Academics in Turkey: Historical Process and The Situation At the present’’, H. Coşkun (Ed.) Women in Academic Life(p.75-87). Ankara: Turkish German Cultural Studies Publishing.
Translated Book: Duverger, M. (1986) Introduction to the Social Sciences (Translation: Ü. Oksay). Ankara: Bilgi Publishing.
Thesis: Çevik, Mehmet(2010) ‘’ Jokes in Oral Culture’’ Unpublished Master Thesis , Gazi University Social Sciences Institute , Ankara.
Dictionary: Turkey Sciences Academy (2011) Turkish Scientific Terms Dictionary Social Sciences. Ankara: Yeni Reform Printing
Article: Sağlam, Serdar (2006) ‘’ Internal Migration and Urbanization in Turkey’’, Türkiyat searches Journal, Number 5,p.34-44.
Proceeding: Turan, Metin (2007) ‘’ Migration And Literature’’ (p.222-229) VI KIBATEK Literature Symposium Proceedings Book. Ankara: KIBATEK Publishing